Monday, July 27, 2009

Following Jesus The Right Way

"7 Requirements of Following Jesus" taken from Luke 5:1-11
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Isiah Tingson
I, Hear God's Word
To be able to know God fully, we should be able to read the Bible. Attending worship service also helps us to better understand the scriptures.
The China experience of Rev. Tingson serves as a good example of what Christian attitude should be in Church:
1. Instead of sitting at the back, they would all come early just to be able to seat in front near the pulpit.
2. The congregation would bring their own stool to sit and they would not even complain even if it’s hot inside the church
3. They don't have powerpoint presentations BUT, they take down everything that the preacher is preaching
4. They don't come late in church and they didn't mind even of they stayed for long hours to listen to the sermon.

Their zealousness to listen to God's Word should be followed by all Christians around the world.

II, Allow God to use you
In the passage, Simon had his own boat. This is where he stays all the time -- his livelihood is in this boat and everything else he has is in this boat.

Like Simon, each one of us has his/her own boat. It may be our family, work, business, profession - but we must be able to use it for God's purpose.

There is a Chinese saying that goes… "Lao Lo, bo tong ying…" [fookien] ("I'm old, I'm useless...") but in God's eyes, there is no young or old, we can all be used by God.
III, From "Please" to "Go"
Oftentimes, we Christians are shy towards certain circumstances to the point that our fellow Christians would request us to do something before we take action.

We should change our attitude them inviting us to being proactive towards serving Christ.

IV, Following God and Experiencing His Reality
Jesus told Simon to go to the deeper and cast down their nets. Simon being a fisherman told Him that it is impossible for them to catch fish because they haven't got any since that morning. But because it was Jesus' command, he will follow.

Indeed there was a great number of fish and their net was breaking.

By following God's commands, He will truly bless us and He will show you what He can do.
V, Following Jesus through help of spiritual partners.
When Simon was able to catch a great number of fish, his net was breaking so he had to signal his partners so they could help.

In our everyday walk with God, we need spiritual partners to encourage us in times of trials, to pray for us in times of need and to rejoice with is on happy times.

VI, Know Yourself
Knowing your strong points and weak points will actually help you grow more in Christ. You are your greatest enemy.
VII, Be fishers of Men
As Christians, we should be leading people to Christ. This is our calling. This is our duty.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One Way

"Jesus, Word of God" taken from John 1
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Vince Burke

The Message of this sermon focused on understanding and knowing who Jesus is.
I, Jesus is the God of the Universe
He preceded the universe - Jesus being born in Bethlehem is not the time that He existed, but it was only the time He took human form.

He created the universe - Darwin mentioned in his theory of evolution that matter, when broken in its smallest particle, would be in its simplest form.

Current studies by scientists shows however that matter, when broken in its smallest particle, is very much complex.

“Like a watch who has a watchmaker, so does the earth who has a creator.”, Jesus is the Lord of Life
There is only one way, one truth and life and that is Jesus Christ.

ALL roads CANNOT lead to God because there is only one way to Him and that is through accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
Practically speaking, we cannot say that all roads will lead to say, Tagaytay, because if that were case, there would be confusion.

III, Jesus is the Savoiur of sinners

Only through the shedding of blood will the sins of the world be taken away and this was Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

What will you do with Jesus?
As believers,

1. Witness - tell the good news to people. Tell them what you know about Jesus Christ.
2. Worship - let us continue worshiping and giving praise to God.

As seekers,
1. Receive - receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Jesus continuously knocks, but only you can open the door of your heart to let Him in.

Monday, July 13, 2009


The title of the sermon yesterday at church was about "open you eyes and see!" This was taken from II Kings 6:8-23
It was interesting way on how Pastor Stephen used the concept of the Peek-a-boo game for babies as an introduction for this sermon.

Thinking about it, the said baby-game is so simple and yet kids are happy whenever their parents play peek-a-boo with them. Perhaps, there is something more significant than the game itself.

I. Background (vv8-15)
-The king of Syria was making war against Israel and he informed his servants that his camp will be at this place.
-Elisha went to the king of Israel and told him that Syrians are in this place and them to avoid the place.
-The king of Syria was troubled because the King of Israel knew where his camp was
-Servant of the king of Syria told him that it was Elisha the prophet who knew what he (Syrian King) speaks of even inside his own bedroom.
-King of Syria wanted Elisha captured so he sent horses, chariots and army to seek him

II. See the Protection of God (vv 14-17)
-When the servant of Elisha has awoken, he saw the Syrian army surrounding them
-With the words that he uttered, you can easily conclude that he is afraid and worried because of the huge army about to attack them
-Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of the young man
-The Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw the army of the Living God greater than the army that has surrounded them
-These were composed of the angels that have been protecting Elisha

III. See the Power of God (vv 18)
-When Syrians were coming down to get them, Elisha prayed that the Lord strike them with blindness, and it was so.

From here we can see that God never leaves His children. Like what Pastor Stephen mentioned, “There are no “IFs” in God’s worlds, but our safety is always the center of His will. Like a father to his child, God will never abandon us, especially in time of need. True power and protection is through God alone.

IV. See the Sovereignity of God (vv. 19-20)
-When the Syrians were blinded, Elisha led them to Samaria (enemies) and then opened their eyes.

Peek-a-boo is a kid's game which actually reminds us that we should try to open our eyes a little bit more like toddlers for us to see the greater things that God has given us.

-Sermon and Message from Pastor Stephen Tan

Monday, July 6, 2009

Everyday Faith

The topic of the sermon yesterday at church was "Faith in Everyday Life" taken from II Kings. There were a few points I've learned that I should be applying in my everyday walk with God that i wanted to share...
God works in our everyday life
Even in our smallest problems, He is always there. Even in the simplest things in our life, God is in control and we should be thankful that are able to get through each day.

As Christians, we should be talking to God on a daily basis -- not only when problems arise. God allows us to have trials in our lives not because He wants us to suffer but He wanted us to grow.

Never think that God never listens to the little problems that we have. God is never too busy for us. Like a father to his children, God will never leave us in the midst of our problems be it great or small.

God Takes care of your daily needs
Like what the Bible has mentioned in Matthew 6:25-34 "God takes care of the lilies and the birds, so He will take care of his children."
Pastor Stephen mentioned that we live in a buffet generation. We wanted to get our money's worth so, we tend to not eat breakfast nor lunch so we could eat a lot when the buffet meal comes. It's true that even though our stomach ached because of the amount of food that we ate, we are satisfied in a way because we got the value of the money we paid for.

A plate of food is actually enough for us but we always wanted more... As our Father, God will always provide for our needs -- never too much never too little. Oftentimes, most of us are not contented and want more, just like a buffet meal. I myself is not exempted of that but we should learn to be contented and be thankful for the things that God has provided for us.

As Christians we should be living a Christ-like life even though it is difficult in this generation AND we should be ambassadors of Christ to our community of unbelievers.

-Sermon and Message from Pastor Stephen Tan