Monday, October 19, 2009

The Beatitudes

I consider the beatitudes as one complicated sermon. Having heard of it a couple of times in previous bible studies, I have always wanted a better understanding and a deeper knowledge
on what a true Christian attitude ought to be.
v.3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
-they are the ones who do not depend upon themselves but rather in everything that they do, in every aspect of their lives, they always depend on God.
v.4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted
- it is not enough that we promise not to do the wrong things that we've done and after a few months, we go back to our sinful ways. These who mourn are the people who are truly repentant of the sins that they have committed.

v.5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
- Oftentimes, when people have wronged us we want them to correct the things that they have done - sometimes, we even want to get even.
In life, we should learn to acknowledge those who are better than us and not be in competition with them. we must learn to be humble and take a step back when we view others,
not having a proud spirit/attitude toward them.

v.6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled
- We should seek after spiritual things in life. Indeed the world is not fair and life in this world isnt fair either but everything will be when we reach the kingdom of heaven.

v.7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
- these are the people who extend compassion to others just as God had given us mercy.
How we treat those people who do not have use to us is a good gauge whether we are compassionate towards others.
v.8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
- As Christians, we should continue to acknowledge that we are sinful and the we need the Lord's forgiveness for our sins.

v.9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God
- we should be replicating Jesus the prince of peace. Being peacemakers, it is not necessary that we reconcile with our enemies or we reconcile people who doesn't get along but rather is it also bringing Jesus
in their lives for them to realize that God is the only one who brings true peace in their hearts.

v. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom if heaven.
- We should be reminded that living a Christian life in this world is difficult, there are a lot of challenges that we have to face. When we do good in the eyes of God, we are ridiculed by the people around us - it's ok, because great is your reward in heaven.

Sermon and Message by Reverend Steve
Grace Christian Church, Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Be More Emotionally Present to Your Family No Matter How Busy You Are

From a forwarded email. Article/Post created by Bo Sanchez

6 Steps to Enjoying Your True Wealth

By Bo Sanchez

We were going to Hong Kong that day. I was going to preach for three days but had two extra days to be with my family. Picture us at the airport: My wife carrying our baby in her arms, my eldest son bouncing about like a rabbit and announcing to the whole world, "I'm going to Hong Kong Disneyland!" And the poor skinny father? Straining to push eight massive bags on a wobbly cart with a stubborn right wheel. (I've noticed that these deranged carts supernaturally end up with me wherever I go.)

That was when we heard the crying.

Correction. Not crying. But spine-chilling, lung-busting screaming. Two kids were holding onto their mother. They were separated by four-foot tall steel bars.. But to those distraught children, those steel bars represented two years of being without their mother - the contract of a domestic helper in Hong Kong.

Four small arms clutching, grabbing, not letting go.

The whole world heard their pleading scream, "Mommy, please don't go! Please don't go!" I'll never forget the mother's pained, tortured face - as though a knife was ripping through her body. My wife cried openly. I wept inside and held onto my kids more closely.

That was two days ago. Yesterday, the story continued...

Those Small Arms Continue to Reach Out Yesterday was Sunday.

And I walked around Central.

If you don't know Hong Kong, Central is where thousands upon thousands of Filipina Domestic Helpers congregate. They sit on sidewalks. They sit on overpasses. They sit by storefronts.

I walked passed one woman who was reading a handwritten letter.

The handwriting was obviously a child's penmanship.

I walked passed another listening to a little cassette player - not to listen to music - but to a voice of a kid telling stories.

But what broke my heart was the news given to me by Shirley, the head of one organization that tries to help them get financial education. I was shocked by what she said. "Brother Bo, out of our 700 members who are married, 80% is already separated from their husbands."

Families aren't designed for prolonged separation.

They're not just made for that.

We're supposed to spend time together.

6 Steps to Spending More Time with Your Family No Matter How Busy You Are

"Bo, why are you telling me this? I'm not in Hong Kong. I'm living with my family under one roof."

Listen. Yes, you're not in Hong Kong.

But if you don't have time for your family - and your heart is not focused on them - you might as well be in another country.

You could be physically present - but are you emotionally present as well?

Let me share with you six important steps you could take to become more emotionally present with them...

Step #1: Be Close.

I'm still in Hong Kong as I write this piece.

It's five in the morning as I type this article in bed. And my little family is literally around me because we're all sleeping on one bed. Yes, we've become one mass jumble of intertwined humanity - our limbs, legs and arms crisscrossing each other. And that's when I realize - gosh, I don't know how blessed I am.


Here I am with my family. I feel their skin. I smell their scents. We're so close, I feel their breath.

And yet I'm surrounded by 148,000 domestic helpers here in Hong Kong that have been away from their families for months, for years, for decades..

And for those who've separated - forever.

Let me say it again: We don't know how blessed we are.

We complain that our families are nutty. But we don't understand how blessed we are to have them close enough to experience their nuttiness. We complain about our petty quarrels, our cold wars, our dysfunctionality.

But whose family isn't dysfunctional?

I've talked to some people here in Hong Kong who would give anything to be with their families again - even for just one day of nuttiness. The first step is to be more emotionally present to your family is to actually be physically present to them. Be close!

You need to know how precious your family is - and treat them that way. You need to see them as your true wealth - that nothing is more precious than your relationships.

Step #2: Be Deliberate.

Because you need to protect this treasure or they get stolen from you. No matter how busy I am, I schedule a weekly romantic date with my spouse.

Yes, I actually write it down in my appointment book and treat it like a meeting with the President of the Philippines. These weekly nights are blocked off for the entire year. Nothing can touch it, except some dire emergency.

Why? Because if my marriage fails, everything else stands to fail as well: My ministry, my businesses, my soul... So it is an emergency that I bring her out every week.

I also schedule a weekly date with my kids.

I believe parents need to do these one-on-one dates with each of their kids. Unless of course you've got 18 children and may need to bring them out by two's or three's.

Sometimes my son and I just walk around the village and talk.

It doesn't have to be big. But swapping stories and opening our hearts to one another on a consistent basis is already very big to them. It means they matter to you - that you value them - and you'll see their self-esteem grow.

Step #3: Be Expressive.

I tell my wife "I love you" seven times a day.

I hug my kids countless of times a day.

At night, I tell my kids, "I'm so proud you're my son. I'm so proud I'm your Daddy. You're a genius. You're a loving boy. You're an incredibly gifted young man..."

This is true. I have met 40-year olds who long to hear these words from their parents - "I'm proud of you," and feel an empty space - like a gaping wound in their souls because their parents have never told them this.

Don't do that to your kids.

And before I forget: Praise your kids seven times a day.

And praise your spouse seven times a day.

I'm not kidding. It will revolutionize your marriage.

If I say, "Criticize your spouse seven times a day," I bet you'd say, "Kaunti naman. I do that already." But that's the problem. We don't realize that when we criticize our spouses, we actually destroy our marriage bit by bit - not just our spouses.

But when you praise and honor your spouse - you build up your marriage.

It can be very simple stuff:
Ang sarap ng luto mo ngayon, Hon..
I thank God He gave you to me.
You're so hardworking.
I love it when I see you play with the kids.
You know how to make me happy.
Ganda mo ngayon.

Keep on doing this and you'll see changes in your life and your marriage you thought were not possible.

Let me say it again: Praise your spouse - and your children - seven times a day.

Step #4: Be Deep.

Your weekly dates shouldn't just be watching movies, eating out and going home.

Talk deep.

Talk about your feelings.

Enter into each other's worlds. Dive into each other's dreams, hurts, desires, worries, hopes and burdens.

When you open yourself up to your spouse or your child, there are more chances for the other person to open up to you.

Step #5: Be Simple

Yesterday afternoon, I preached to 700 people in Hong Kong.

I usually give my talks for 45 minutes. That's been my trademark. But yesterday, I gave a solid two-hour talk. Vein-popping, heart-pounding, passion-driven talk - because I had a burden in my heart.

Because I preached on Financial Literacy.

I challenged them, "Raise your financial I.Q.!"

I scolded them, "When you left the Philippines, you told your kids, 'Anak, two years of separation lang 'to. After two years, Mommy will have saved enough and will go home and we'll be together again.' But after two years, you go home and you haven't saved. Because you repainted the house. Because there's a new TV set in the living room and a new gas range in the kitchen. Because the kids have new designer rubber shoes.

I taught them how to live simply and ruthlessly save 20% of their income.

Because unless they do this, they will be forever trapped in Hong Kong.

Look at your life.

Are you living simply?

Are you saving 20% of your income?

Step #6: Be Financially Intelligent

I also taught them where to invest.

I told them, "It's not enough to just save. You need to know where to put your money. Because savings accounts at 1% and time deposits at 5% won't do. Inflation - which is at 7% - will simply eat them up."

So I taught them about mutual funds and other investment vehicles, including the ability to sell something and get into business.

Here's the truth: The more you know about money, the less time you need to make money. So the more time you have for your family.

Actually, a time should come when you don't need to make money. Instead, you let money make money. And that requires financial intelligence.

Read. Attend seminars. Look for mentors.

Go Home.

After giving my talk, I took a deep breath and told my audience in Hong Kong, "When you follow these principles and have saved enough - please go home. Please go home to your children."

I made a lot of people cry that day.

I'm telling you the same thing.

Oh yes, you may be living with your family in one house, but it's possible that your heart is so far away from your spouse and kids - and they are far away from you as well.

You need to let your heart go home.

Go home my friend.

Your heart belongs there.

-Wise Words from Bo Sanchez on True Wealth

Monday, September 7, 2009

Where To Find True Comfort

Sermon by Pastor Stephen Grace Christian Church Sunday Service

In our daily walk with God, there will always be trials and challenges that will cause us to be down and sometimes - break our hearts.
In Psalm 13:1-6, we read that David calls to the Lord and pours all his heartaches. Towards the end of his Psalm, he still praises God for he find true comfort in God alone.
Here on earth, who we are and what we have has been based on the standards of this world -- how much money we make or what title we hold in the company we work for.

We care so much of what other people would say about us that we often get hurt when we are criticized or rejected. Instead of praying to God and asking for guidance and comfort,
we Christians end up having a revengeful heart thinking "they'll see... I will do better and they'd regret they didn't pick me.."

God is the only One who brings true comfort because he is sovereign of everything that is happening in our lives. Human words and comfort are temporary and they don't really compensate to the heartaches that we feel.
Relationships that didn't work, jobs that were not offered to us -- they all have a purpose and God did this because He has set something better for us.
Two things that I have realized:
1. God loves Us
2. There is always hope with God

Monday, August 24, 2009

Driving Through Fog

Golden gate bridge is a famous suspension bridge located in San Francisco. Other than the bridge itself, the flow of summer fog through the bridge makes the view more spectacular.

The fog however, sometimes get so thick that you barely see through anything further that a foot from your eyes. Faith, is actually driving on a bridge with heavy fog while desiring to go to the other end.

When burdens and trials are so heavy and you can't see what lies ahead of you, do you go back? Wait for the fog to disappear? Or, you drive through it with faith?

II Kings 8: 1-6 tells us the story of the Elisha speaking to the woman who son he restored to life. She was asked to leave their household because of a famine that was about to come for seven years.

She went away and did according to the saying of the man of God and dwelt in the land of the Philistines. After 7 years, the woman returned and discovered that someone has already taken over her house.

She made an appeal to the king for her house and land. When the king found out who she was (woman whose son Elisha restored to life), the king immediately restored what was hers and all the proceeds of the fields from the day she left until she returned.

The story is an illustration of our daily walk with God, sometimes we don't understand why things happen - in this case the woman who followed God to leave and upon returning, finds out that somebody has taken over her place.
The woman wasn't sure what was ahead of her when she left her home - but still, she followed God.

It's actually when you cannot see what lies ahead that you cling on to God.

when you turn back, you cannot see the glory that awaits on the other side of the bridge.
when you continue to drive through the heavy fog, you will experience the anticipation of seeing how God will work it out in the end.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

If you would live your life again, what would you do?

Reflection Time.

Over 100 people ages 90 and above were asked a question.

"If you are to live your life all over again, what would you do?"

Summarizing their answers, this is what they said in a nutshell...
1. Reflect More
2. Take More Risks
3. Do More Things That Will Last For Eternity

Monday, August 10, 2009

Joruney to God: Challenges

Message taken from the book of Hebrews
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Anthony Co Hao
Road signs are basic guides that we should follow when driving. Ignoring these would lead motorists to danger and sometimes tragedy.

As Christians and passers-by here on earth, we should also be following a series of road signs to be able to safely reach our destination. We should be well-aware of the dangers that we may encounter along the way.

What are the dangers of Pilgrim Life?
I, Drifting (Hebrews 2:1)
This occurs to those who are careless and those who care less and less about God. This is associated to those people who are disinterested in growing in God.

Oftentimes, this happens slowly and by the time that you realize it, its already too late and you are already far away from God.
II, Doubting (Hebrews 3:12)
This usually occurs to those "spiritual spoiled brats" who already has everything and yet they were never contented -- they always want more!

A note: When you hear God's voice, do not harden you're heart but be grateful to God for everything that He has done in our lives.

In spite of being paralyzed neck down when she was young, Johnny Ericsson thanks God that she is still able to share God's Word and be an inspiration to every Christian.

III, Dullness (Hebrews 5:11)
This happens when people become lazy to learn and grow in their Christian life. A good illustration of this would be children not wanting to learn algebra but would settle to the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division because they feel that these basics are the only ones that they need in life.

When we hear God's Word and we learn something from church, we should apply it in our Christian life

IV, Disregarding (Hebrews 10:26, 35)
This is when we ignore what Jesus has done for us. It’s His sacrifice in the cross for our sins

We must not throw away our confidence - God - in our lives. We should be able to include Him in all aspects of our lives.
V, Denying (Hebrews 12:25)
Of all the dangers, this is considered to be the worst and this occurs when one declines, refuses or rejects God.
A lot of Christians in the Bible went far from God, but when God reached out to help them, they didn't refuse Him and they came back to Him.
Our journey here on earth will never be smooth all the way. Surely, there will be bumps and trials along the way. But, through following proper road signs and guidance from His Word, we will be able to reach our destination safely.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Journey to God

"A Call to Pilgrim Life" taken from Hebrew 13:13-14
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Anthony Co Hao

> Defined as is a person who undertakes a pilgrimage.
> This is usually visit to a place of some religious significance according to the dictionary.
> As Christians, our pilgrim life is actually a Journey to God.
I, Being a Pilgrim 101
A good example of how to be a pilgrim is found in Hebrews 13:13-14.
v. 13 "Let us then go to Him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace He bore"

Jesus suffered outside the gates of Jerusalem to die on the cross for our sins. As Christians, we are faced with a lot of challenges in life but, we should be able to suffer for Christ and to act like Him.

A good example for this would be the story of Steven Curtis Chapman when a tragendy occurred in the family. His 5-year old daughter died when his son accidentally ran over her as he backed their car out of their driveway. As they were rushing little Maria to the hospital, As Steven was leaving to follow the ambulance where little Maria was in, he then called his son and told him "Son, your father loves you!"

How many parents can manage to do that? But here, he managed to be like Christ. It is really difficult in this world, especially in this modern day to be like Him. But, as Christians, we should be able to stand out and let the crowd know that we are His children through our actions.
II, We are just passing through Earth
v. 14 "For here we do not have an enduring city but we are looking for the city that is to come.

Our present life here on earth is only temporary, oftentimes we get too comfortable with the things we have that we forget that we're only passing through.

As Christians, we should let God reign in our lives (in every aspect). There may be a number of hindrances in our lives, but we should be able to surrender it all to God.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Following Jesus The Right Way

"7 Requirements of Following Jesus" taken from Luke 5:1-11
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Isiah Tingson
I, Hear God's Word
To be able to know God fully, we should be able to read the Bible. Attending worship service also helps us to better understand the scriptures.
The China experience of Rev. Tingson serves as a good example of what Christian attitude should be in Church:
1. Instead of sitting at the back, they would all come early just to be able to seat in front near the pulpit.
2. The congregation would bring their own stool to sit and they would not even complain even if it’s hot inside the church
3. They don't have powerpoint presentations BUT, they take down everything that the preacher is preaching
4. They don't come late in church and they didn't mind even of they stayed for long hours to listen to the sermon.

Their zealousness to listen to God's Word should be followed by all Christians around the world.

II, Allow God to use you
In the passage, Simon had his own boat. This is where he stays all the time -- his livelihood is in this boat and everything else he has is in this boat.

Like Simon, each one of us has his/her own boat. It may be our family, work, business, profession - but we must be able to use it for God's purpose.

There is a Chinese saying that goes… "Lao Lo, bo tong ying…" [fookien] ("I'm old, I'm useless...") but in God's eyes, there is no young or old, we can all be used by God.
III, From "Please" to "Go"
Oftentimes, we Christians are shy towards certain circumstances to the point that our fellow Christians would request us to do something before we take action.

We should change our attitude them inviting us to being proactive towards serving Christ.

IV, Following God and Experiencing His Reality
Jesus told Simon to go to the deeper and cast down their nets. Simon being a fisherman told Him that it is impossible for them to catch fish because they haven't got any since that morning. But because it was Jesus' command, he will follow.

Indeed there was a great number of fish and their net was breaking.

By following God's commands, He will truly bless us and He will show you what He can do.
V, Following Jesus through help of spiritual partners.
When Simon was able to catch a great number of fish, his net was breaking so he had to signal his partners so they could help.

In our everyday walk with God, we need spiritual partners to encourage us in times of trials, to pray for us in times of need and to rejoice with is on happy times.

VI, Know Yourself
Knowing your strong points and weak points will actually help you grow more in Christ. You are your greatest enemy.
VII, Be fishers of Men
As Christians, we should be leading people to Christ. This is our calling. This is our duty.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One Way

"Jesus, Word of God" taken from John 1
-Sermon and Message from Rev. Vince Burke

The Message of this sermon focused on understanding and knowing who Jesus is.
I, Jesus is the God of the Universe
He preceded the universe - Jesus being born in Bethlehem is not the time that He existed, but it was only the time He took human form.

He created the universe - Darwin mentioned in his theory of evolution that matter, when broken in its smallest particle, would be in its simplest form.

Current studies by scientists shows however that matter, when broken in its smallest particle, is very much complex.

“Like a watch who has a watchmaker, so does the earth who has a creator.”, Jesus is the Lord of Life
There is only one way, one truth and life and that is Jesus Christ.

ALL roads CANNOT lead to God because there is only one way to Him and that is through accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
Practically speaking, we cannot say that all roads will lead to say, Tagaytay, because if that were case, there would be confusion.

III, Jesus is the Savoiur of sinners

Only through the shedding of blood will the sins of the world be taken away and this was Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

What will you do with Jesus?
As believers,

1. Witness - tell the good news to people. Tell them what you know about Jesus Christ.
2. Worship - let us continue worshiping and giving praise to God.

As seekers,
1. Receive - receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Jesus continuously knocks, but only you can open the door of your heart to let Him in.

Monday, July 13, 2009


The title of the sermon yesterday at church was about "open you eyes and see!" This was taken from II Kings 6:8-23
It was interesting way on how Pastor Stephen used the concept of the Peek-a-boo game for babies as an introduction for this sermon.

Thinking about it, the said baby-game is so simple and yet kids are happy whenever their parents play peek-a-boo with them. Perhaps, there is something more significant than the game itself.

I. Background (vv8-15)
-The king of Syria was making war against Israel and he informed his servants that his camp will be at this place.
-Elisha went to the king of Israel and told him that Syrians are in this place and them to avoid the place.
-The king of Syria was troubled because the King of Israel knew where his camp was
-Servant of the king of Syria told him that it was Elisha the prophet who knew what he (Syrian King) speaks of even inside his own bedroom.
-King of Syria wanted Elisha captured so he sent horses, chariots and army to seek him

II. See the Protection of God (vv 14-17)
-When the servant of Elisha has awoken, he saw the Syrian army surrounding them
-With the words that he uttered, you can easily conclude that he is afraid and worried because of the huge army about to attack them
-Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of the young man
-The Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw the army of the Living God greater than the army that has surrounded them
-These were composed of the angels that have been protecting Elisha

III. See the Power of God (vv 18)
-When Syrians were coming down to get them, Elisha prayed that the Lord strike them with blindness, and it was so.

From here we can see that God never leaves His children. Like what Pastor Stephen mentioned, “There are no “IFs” in God’s worlds, but our safety is always the center of His will. Like a father to his child, God will never abandon us, especially in time of need. True power and protection is through God alone.

IV. See the Sovereignity of God (vv. 19-20)
-When the Syrians were blinded, Elisha led them to Samaria (enemies) and then opened their eyes.

Peek-a-boo is a kid's game which actually reminds us that we should try to open our eyes a little bit more like toddlers for us to see the greater things that God has given us.

-Sermon and Message from Pastor Stephen Tan

Monday, July 6, 2009

Everyday Faith

The topic of the sermon yesterday at church was "Faith in Everyday Life" taken from II Kings. There were a few points I've learned that I should be applying in my everyday walk with God that i wanted to share...
God works in our everyday life
Even in our smallest problems, He is always there. Even in the simplest things in our life, God is in control and we should be thankful that are able to get through each day.

As Christians, we should be talking to God on a daily basis -- not only when problems arise. God allows us to have trials in our lives not because He wants us to suffer but He wanted us to grow.

Never think that God never listens to the little problems that we have. God is never too busy for us. Like a father to his children, God will never leave us in the midst of our problems be it great or small.

God Takes care of your daily needs
Like what the Bible has mentioned in Matthew 6:25-34 "God takes care of the lilies and the birds, so He will take care of his children."
Pastor Stephen mentioned that we live in a buffet generation. We wanted to get our money's worth so, we tend to not eat breakfast nor lunch so we could eat a lot when the buffet meal comes. It's true that even though our stomach ached because of the amount of food that we ate, we are satisfied in a way because we got the value of the money we paid for.

A plate of food is actually enough for us but we always wanted more... As our Father, God will always provide for our needs -- never too much never too little. Oftentimes, most of us are not contented and want more, just like a buffet meal. I myself is not exempted of that but we should learn to be contented and be thankful for the things that God has provided for us.

As Christians we should be living a Christ-like life even though it is difficult in this generation AND we should be ambassadors of Christ to our community of unbelievers.

-Sermon and Message from Pastor Stephen Tan